Our meeting time was 1:45 a.m. Friday morning, in front of the Student Village dorms. The bus driver was about an hour late, because he'd fallen asleep before he came. So by the time the guy dropped us of, we were behind schedule. I could see dawn approaching as we hustled up the mountain, but the sun hadn't peeked over the Jordan mountains just yet. We ended up making good time and even chilling out a little as the nighttime slipped away. Finally, the sun rose over the Dead Sea, a perfect orange circle that was climbing, live in front of me, higher and higher above the clouds.

Mount Masada was its own marvel. Apparently (I probably learned this history by accident), Masada was King Herod's stronghold. Same Herod who tried to kill baby Jesus, according to the gospels. The stronghold, at some point or other, was used by Jews trying to defend themselves from approaching Roman soldiers. A group of them, rather than having their wives raped and children sold as slaves, or being killed on Roman terms, decided to commit suicide together. I'm definitely scrambling and botching the intricate history of the place, but long story short: Masada has baggage, more than I can remember. You wouldn't believe it, given how beautiful the place is.
We checked out a lot more of Masada. The ruins were pretty cool--some of them preserved enough to inspire your historical imagination, some of them turned into bathrooms for tourists. Not to knock the bathrooms. I used one. It was well placed.

Closing in on 24 hours of being awake wasn't so cool. I don't know how Jack Bauer does it. I had energy reserves, but my mind was in a bit of a lazy haze when it came to absorbing everything my tour guide said. My tour guide, by the way, was Guy again. I guess he's a regular with Hebrew U for as long as these kinds of trips last. He asked me to read stuff in front of the group again, which was fun...minus the content. I think the passage at the end was from Ezekiel, a lamenting prophecy about big time death, which may or may not apply to what happened on Masada, depending on your beliefs. Don't quote me on any of this, though. For now I think I can be diagnosed as "historically retarded."

I like my Jews alive and non-massacred.
Anyway, we saw more incredible views from the top of the mountain before climbing down its endlessly long snake trail. I was blown away by every bit of it.

We walked from here, where I took the picture,
to that building in the distance. The hike down, of course, was a breeze.
At the end of the tour, we had the chance to go swimming in the Dead Sea. The water was...I guess the picture can hint at it, but it's some of the most beautiful water I've ever seen. Only 2% of you will know what I'm talking about, but the song "Take a Picture" by Filter was playing in my head as I looked at it. (Yeah, Nick, it was like that.) The Dead Sea water was so thick with salt that you could lie on your back and float in it, without having to tread at all. It's a piece of paradise. The water stings your eyes crazier than ocean salt water does, but if you manage to keep your head afloat, it's heaven-sent.

We walked from here, where I took the picture,
to that building in the distance. The hike down, of course, was a breeze.
At the end of the tour, we had the chance to go swimming in the Dead Sea. The water was...I guess the picture can hint at it, but it's some of the most beautiful water I've ever seen. Only 2% of you will know what I'm talking about, but the song "Take a Picture" by Filter was playing in my head as I looked at it. (Yeah, Nick, it was like that.) The Dead Sea water was so thick with salt that you could lie on your back and float in it, without having to tread at all. It's a piece of paradise. The water stings your eyes crazier than ocean salt water does, but if you manage to keep your head afloat, it's heaven-sent.
Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine that you would one day swim in the Dead Sea? I hear it has spiritual and cleansing significance... what an amazing experience that must have been for you.
And again... you read the Bible... you don't have to tell me who you are, I think I know. :-)
The pictures are beautiful... how cool is it that you managed to get up that early the "mornin" to catch that beautiful sunrise. Amazing!!! Keep doin what you're doin... with you always!
Love...the mama
Yeah, I signed up for this here commentating service. Newfangled as it may be.
You had me laughing again, this time with your bathroom commentary. Strange though that may sound.
A couple things I've learned or re-learned in reading this blog:
1) You're funny
2) I love you
3) I should read funny, insightful things written by people I love while I'm at work because people will wonder why I'm snickering and "aww"ing.
I'll be coming back. You will get sick of my comments. When I visit this winter, you're going to help me speak Hebrew. The end.
Much love.
hey hey, i'm so jealous of you cuz i'm dying to get to Praha. I'm in LA this week, should be a good time. My aunt is chill and i'll probably catch up with Rafie.
miss you lots, i'm going to get worse about reading your entries once i'm in europe...i can feel it.
btw, you should post more videos and continue to use the word amazing.
Eric!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to make contact with you; somehow, I didn't realize that this was a current blog until Lily told me. It seems like you're having a wonderful time and making the best of your time in Israel. A land full of history - maybe too much to take in!
I miss you tons, and hope you're having great experiences. Have you had the chance to speak with some Israelis? Are you planning to travel to Palestine as well?
-Emily wemily
i'm going to read the ones i've missed soon. i scanned it for the pictures first, of course, to see you're enjoying it immensely.
remember the other guy i know i said would change the world (you and him being the two i think will).
well, you and him are in a similar place right now.. he just flew to calcutta to stay for 5 months and work with the lepers and dying poor.
he's got a blogspot, so i was going to link you up.
this man inspires me like no other here. i'm positive you guys can inspire each other.
Ha! I have finally figured out how to comment on this thing- go me!
You're slackin on the posts a little bit- I expect constant action and adventure. Hope all is well. Miss you!
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