We started things off by doing some massive sanding along the walls. After that, we got to painting, which was a lot of fun. We had a great group of people, so we were laughing the whole way through.

I had to work on the scaffold with an Israeli guy.
One of the few times I tried to make conversation to a stranger in Hebrew.

Me, Jimmy and Maya. Cream of the crop people, right there.
One of the few times I tried to make conversation to a stranger in Hebrew.

Me, Jimmy and Maya. Cream of the crop people, right there.
The folks at the community center were wonderful enough to treat us to sandwiches for our break. I believe one of the people responsible was Shelly, who also gave us free tickets to a dance club the next time we came. A-plus on generosity, Shelly.
When we did return a couple weeks later, it was about two weeks into December, and with a bit of a twist on the itinerary. Since we were done white-washing the gym, Liav wanted us to paint a mural on one corner. And he'd also scheduled a soccer game between us and the kids at the community center. The night was cold, but we spray-painted white T-shirts for jerseys and wore them onto the court to play ball. I'm pretty terrible at soccer, but I tried my best. Plus, most of the people we were playing against were little kids, so they were easy to knock down.
When we did return a couple weeks later, it was about two weeks into December, and with a bit of a twist on the itinerary. Since we were done white-washing the gym, Liav wanted us to paint a mural on one corner. And he'd also scheduled a soccer game between us and the kids at the community center. The night was cold, but we spray-painted white T-shirts for jerseys and wore them onto the court to play ball. I'm pretty terrible at soccer, but I tried my best. Plus, most of the people we were playing against were little kids, so they were easy to knock down.
They weren't easy to knock down at all.
But at least I had help.
Jimmy, Jamie, Roni, Eric, Me, Oren and Val.

Jimmy, Jamie, Roni, Eric, Me, Oren and Val.
Afterward we went inside and painted our mural, trying not to make a mess of the floor (the community center was kinda pissed that we'd done that before). I ended up going with my default artistic expression, a Superman symbol. Jewed it up by making it the center of a Star of David. Once we were done, there was a lot more color to at least that one corner of the gym.

Posing with our masterpiece.
Eric, Ashley, Liav, Me, Dani, Brian
Roni, Orin, Val, Jimmy and Maya.

No use repeating all these names. Elyse is the only one
I haven't mentioned--the girl in the center.

Posing with our masterpiece.
Eric, Ashley, Liav, Me, Dani, Brian
Roni, Orin, Val, Jimmy and Maya.
Afterward, we came back home to the Student Village, done and pretty proud, I think.

No use repeating all these names. Elyse is the only one
I haven't mentioned--the girl in the center.
Liav thanked us, and we split. Yet another activity with consistently great people. The folks I've met here are really something.
After we took that final photo, I went to my building. I'd been planning a dance party for weeks, and the night had finally come. With only so much time before people arrived at my apartment, I got to work.
After we took that final photo, I went to my building. I'd been planning a dance party for weeks, and the night had finally come. With only so much time before people arrived at my apartment, I got to work.
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